We provide infrared testing and consulting providing infrared electrical, roof moisture, and building envelope inspection and analysis worldwide. We use the most advanced infrared cameras and analytical tools in a non-invasive and non-destructive form of testing.

Our technical group evaluates the performance and safety of electrical and mechanical systems, steam plants, roofing and insulation. We utilize IR cameras to locate and document thermal anomalies (hot spots) in buildings and building systems as pertinent potentially dangerous and costly problems are addressed with the building’s owners and plant managers alike.

We combine surveying, effective report writing, proper inspection routes, appropriate procedures, established safety practices, and the correct type of equipment to obtain excellent results and assist the customer as much as possible.

Among the wide range of problems found, we can mention the following:

Moisture intrusion, missing or damaged insulation, overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, loose electrical connections, construction defects, pest presence, and structural and post-fire damage.

We offer a complete diagnostic scanning service for industrial plants, manufacturing facilities, and both residential and commercial building owners.

We pride ourselves in providing a quality service at an affordable price.

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